Unstuck 01 - Learning to Live a Lifestyle of Encounter

October 15, 2024 | God wants to encounter us today! Blog taken from our Tuesday Talks.

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This blog is based on notes from our podcast, Tuesday Talks, which goes live every Tuesday at 2 PM on our YouTube page and website. You can also find the devotional that accompanies the blog right here:

Have You Ever Felt Stuck?

I don’t know if you’ve ever felt stuck in your relationship with God before—like:

  • Your devotional times feel a bit dry, like you're not getting as much out of them.
  • The passion to read the Bible or pray isn’t quite where you think it should be.
  • Maybe you feel guilty for missing a day of Bible reading.
  • Or you feel like you should be doing better, loving God more, or trying harder.

Before you know it, your walk with God starts to feel more like a checklist:

  • Driven by performance, focused on how you’re behaving.
  • More about discipline than delight.
  • A bit drained, with not much joy or sense of adventure.

I’ve been there, and maybe you have too. Lately, I’ve found myself feeling a little stuck. My prayers have sounded like this: “Lord, I feel kind of stuck in my relationship with you—I want more, I want to grow, but I’m also feeling a bit tired. I love you, but I need a fresh encounter with you. I need to know you more in this place... I need some fresh joy, new life, and adventure in my walk with you!”

It would be easy to beat myself up in this space, thinking, "I NEED TO TRY HARDER!" But then, the Holy Spirit met me with such gentleness.

The Gift of Feeling Stuck

We often think God is disappointed with us when we hit a dry spot—like He’s frustrated with our lack of growth. But the truth is, He’s not like that at all. He’s:

  • Sweet.
  • Kind.
  • Patient.
  • Generous and gracious.

Sometimes, feeling stuck is actually a gift He gives us. It’s an opportunity for Him to reveal His heart to us in a new way, to grow us, and to move us forward.

He led me to Psalm 37:4: “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

That simple verse, one I thought I already knew, was like a fresh breeze to my soul. It wasn’t about striving or discipline anymore—it was about delight.

Delight, Not Discipline

I felt the Lord saying: “Just forget all that other stuff for a moment, and delight in me as I delight in you. Take great pleasure in me, just as I take pleasure in you.”

It wasn’t about checking boxes—reading my Bible, saying the right prayers—it was about truly enjoying His presence. And that truth lifted a heavy weight off my heart.

Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

We Need Knowledge and Encounter

As we walk through these next few weeks, I want to remind you that spiritual growth isn’t just about learning more—it’s about encountering God personally. Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” It’s not just about knowing Scripture—it’s about meeting the Author of the Word in a way that transforms you.

Without encountering God, our learning becomes head knowledge. We need relational learning, where we meet the heart of God, who speaks directly to us in our situations. When we encounter the Truth Himself—God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—it changes everything.

Expect More, Not Less

Here’s the deal: You don’t have to earn encounters with God.

His love for you isn’t based on your performance. It’s based on who He is and the fact that He’s chosen you. He delights in you simply because you’re His child. So, this week, let’s drop the pressure to perform. Instead, ask the Lord, “Will you help me be aware of the encounters You have for me?”

It’s easy to think that encounters with God are supposed to be big and dramatic—angels, burning bushes, Pentecost-level moments. But more often, He comes in a gentle whisper, a still, small voice. He touches our hearts with the lightest touch, and it’s profound.

God is Always the Initiator

God is the one who initiates relationship with you—every step of the way. And He’s always excited to meet you where you are, even in the dry places. He’s not disappointed with you; He’s a good Father who delights in helping you grow.

So, take a deep breath this week. Let go of striving, and ask Him to open your eyes to the ways He’s moving in your life. Expect more, not less—more of His goodness, more delight, more simple, sweet encounters with the Holy Spirit.

Encouragement for the Week

That’s who God is—extravagant in His love, committed to your freedom and joy. As we journey through these Tuesday Talks, let’s keep expecting Him to move in new ways. Let’s look for more of His presence, more of His delight, and more of His love, right here and right now.

Thanks so much for being with me today. I’m excited for the journey ahead! Let’s get unstuck together. See you next week!

Weekly Devotional PDF that goes with this blog and podcast